Animal Natural Med LLC

Dr. Barbara Noeldner, DVM, CVH, CVA

About Homeopathy – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a Western medical system that originated in Europe. Homeopathy is based on the observation that “like cures like”. This teaching dates back to Hippocrates, but was expanded upon by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor that lived from 1755-1843. It continues to be practiced in many countries today.

Dr. Hahnemann noted that most real cures of patients were brought about by medicines that had the power to generate a similar disease state. For example, opium, which can cause constipation, in small doses could cure constipation.

Starting with the premise, which was well known, that “like cures like”, Dr. Hahnemann made scientific observations and developed a scientific system of proving medicines on healthy people, including himself, in a non-harmful manner. Only proven medicines are used on sick patients. These medicines are found in nature. They may be from plants, animals or minerals. The medicines are given in extremely small doses so as not to have harmful physiological effects.

Why choose homeopathy today?

Today we are blessed with advances in medical diagnostics, for people as well as pets. In homeopathy we can make use of the same diagnostics, especially to determine the extent of disease. However, the symptoms of the individual patient are most important for determining the prescription. For example, in conventional treatment, many patients with allergies are given steroids, even if their individual symptoms are different.

In homeopathy, we treat the whole patient, not just the allergy. Five patients with allergies would likely each be given a different medicine based on individual symptoms. They would also each have a different dosing schedule and strength of medicine based on the strength of their own healing capacity. In homeopathy, we give one medicine at a time for one patient, chosen to be similar to the patient mentally, physically and emotionally. Homeopathy truly treats the patient as a “whole”.

What is the goal of homeopathic treatment?

As Dr. Hahnemann stated: “The physician’s highest and ONLY calling is to make the sick healthy, to cure, as it is called.” (1)

He also stated: "The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principles.” (2)

There are many reasons why cure may not be achieved. However, cure is always the goal of homeopathic treatment. In the process of cure we expect the patient to feel better and the symptoms to resolve. The symptoms should resolve from the inside out, from the head down, from more important to less important organs. Medicines are only repeated as needed to move the patient toward cure.

How do homeopathic medicines work?

Homeopathic medicines work by strengthening the vitality of the patient, so the patient's defenses can take over and complete the cure.

How are homeopathic medicines different than regular medicines?

Most conventional medicines as well as herbal medicines are given in a large enough amount to have a physiological effect. Homeopathic medicines are given in a very small dose, so small that the dose cannot even be measured.

Homeopathic medicines are mixed and diluted to unlock an inner vitality, or healing energetic essence of the medicine. This enables homeopathic medicines to work at the level of the patient's vitality. The patient's vitality (or life force) will respond to all drugs, whether conventional, herbs or homeopathic. Our whole system is geared to respond to any changes imposed on it by restoring a state of balance. For example, if we put our hand in cold water, the hand becomes warm when taken out. Cold becomes warm to restore balance. In the same manner, our system will react to any drug or influence imposed upon it, trying to restore balance.

With a homeopathic medicine, the healing system “sees” a state similar to the diseased state when the medicine is given, and tries to restore balance. Because the opposite of disease is health, the healing system tries to return the patient to health.

In homeopathy we give one (small, “vital or energetic”) dose, and wait and watch for secondary effects (response). This tells us if the medicine we gave is working in a curative manner, or if we need to intervene with a new prescription. Homeopathic medicines must be given very carefully, one remedy at a time, in the smallest dose possible and repeated only when necessary! Safeguards are built into the system if principles are followed. Each case must be skillfully and carefully managed by a trained homeopath.

Contact Dr. Barbara Noeldner at 608-698-0102 or email for more information or an appointment.

(1,2) Hahnemann, Samuel "Organon of the Medical Art", 6th edition

Copyright Dr. Barbara Noeldner DVM CVA 2008